रविवार, 9 अगस्त 2020


hi friends today i'm here to discuss about our confidence because of lack of confidence our youngsters are more affected they have more knowledge but they have not find any place in corporate field and they remain still unemployed even I'm also among those peoples who lost their job in covid19 crises so I've learnt more about confidence and I've wasted my time to researching and then find some things that helps me so I'm gonna share with you :-



Friends if you want to grow continuously then you should want to read continuously because when you are in corporate field you need more knowledge  and if you are still not read any around two or three months then you found you lost your knowledge because you have given your focus on your work then mind understand that this is not required you  and it forgotten so friends you need to reed a page daily i suggest a link that give you some bonus books you need to study these books then see your confidence level is increased .confidence building books        

                                                  54 confidence-boosting quotes for women | Check out these inspirational quotes to get the boost of self-confidence you need to get your day started off right. These are the perfect quotes to incorporate into your morning routine! #confidence #confidencebuilding #confidencequotes #confidencequotesforwomen


If your goal will be in writing, then seeing that, there will be excitement in your subconscious mind that I have a goal, which I have to achieve in every situation and you will automatically be drawn towards it and that confidence will build up in you, think dense fog. You will find it easier to drive or in open weather. It is a simple matter that in the open season, in the same way our mind also comes to the Lock of Confidence if the target is not known and deviates from its goal, I would like you guys to write your goal and keep it close so that you can Were able to develop confidence. I am giving a link, by clicking on it, you can read something about the goal 

                                        A study of Harvard Business School graduates showed that at graduation, only 13% of the class had goals & only 3% had clearly written goals & a plan of action. 10 years later, the class was surveyed again. The 13% who had goals, were making 2x as much money as the 84% who did not. And the 3% who had written goals, were making 10x as much money as the other 97%, combined! So setting a goal and writing it down greatly increases the odds of success.


If you used to do regular information. Meaning that you always think that I am going to achieve my goal or have attained, then your mind will always keep you in confidence as if I can do this or this is my strength in me, then you will have confidence in yourself and such Anyone will come and will not be able to beat your confidence, I am giving a link to the collection of some information, you can read it by clicking on it. 30 affirmation sentences



Visualization is the power inside human being, with the help of which he can get whatever he wants, then friends should use it to the fullest and do not let this power go away. Visualize your goal daily and see that the Confidant will develop inside you. If you visualize your goal just 5 minutes, then your mind will be motivated to achieve its goal, due to which confidence will develop in you. I am sharing some methods of visualization,you can see the visualization by clicking on the link.



Well tell me that you do not want to be fit in your life, be it a human being or an animal, fitness is very important for everyone. Otherwise, tell me that a sick man will first heal himself or else do new research or focus on work or work with full heart. If he will cure his illness first then friends, if we exercise then our body will be fit, so our mind will also remain fit and will remain confident. If you have an injury to your foot, will you go for a run or will you have some confidence? If not, then tell how confident your mind will be, then do the exercise and increase the confidence. 
                                                      exercise quote

Today's portions are just that, if you have said something wrong by taking the next update, then definitely button in the comment, thank you also share this post with your friends.

शनिवार, 8 अगस्त 2020

How to motivate yourself in your life

नमस्कार मित्रों मेरा इस टॉपिक का मोटिव है की लोग ज्यादातर, यहाँ तक मैं खुद ही लगभग ५  महीने से घर पर बैठे बैठे बोर हो रहा हु तो मैंने सोचा कुछ डिसकस कर लू आप लोगों के साथ क्युकी आज का जो टॉपिक है वो हर आदमी के जीवन में बहुत जरूरी होता है।  यह टॉपिक एक खुशहाल जीवन के लिए भी जरुरी है यहाँ तक की अगर आपका लक्ष्य लम्बे समय का है तो और भी जरूरी हो जाता है तो आज के टॉपिक बारे में कुछ बातें कर लेते है तो आइये आज को जो टॉपिक है वो है मोटिवेशन पर 

5 तरीके अपने जीवन में खुद को प्रेरित (मोटिवेट) करने के लिए 

1- खुद के बीते हुए पल के बारे में याद करके। 

दोस्तों जब भी आपको लगे की आप डिमोटिवेट हो रहे हो या फिर आपका मनोबल गिर रहा है तो आँख मूंदकर बस अपने उस समय को याद कीजिये की बचपन में जब आपको कोई ऐसी चीज चाहिए थी , जो आपको नहीं मिल सकी. क्योकी आपके फैमिली वाले अफ़्फोर्ड नहीं कर सकते थे या फिर उस वजह को याद कीजिये की जिसके काऱण आपने यह काम शुरू किया था या करने जा रहे हो एक बार अपने बूढ़े माँ बाप का चेहरा जरूर याद करना क्योकी हमे भी पता है आपलोग किस प्रकार के परिवार से सम्बन्ध रखते हो।  इसलिए उस बात को याद करना जो तुम अपने दोस्तों को कहकर गर्व महसूस करते थे क्या तुम उनके मुँह से कटाक्ष सुनना चाहोगे नहीं ना तो फिर मुझसे ये वादा करो की आज के बाद कभी भी डिमोटिवेट नहीं होऊंगा और कीसी भी हाल में अपने लक्ष्य को जरूर हासिल करूँगा। 

            Never Give Up v3 Quote Wall Decal Sticker Bedroom Home Room Art Vinyl Inspirational Decor Yoga Funny Namaste Funny Studio Good Vibes Happiness Smile Motivational Gym

2- सपनों को याद करके -

सपने बहुत जरूरी है जीवन में अगर सपना नहीं देखोगे तो जिस स्तर  पर हो वही रहोगे या ये कहें की बिना सपनों के आदमी जानवर के सामान है वैसे जानवर का भी सपना होता है वो भी आजादी चाहते है और अगर आप भी सपने नहीं देखते तो आप इन जानवरों से भी तुच्छ हो सपने देखो और कोशिश करो की उसको हासिल करो अगर  जीवन में कभी भी आपका साहस, आत्मबल कम होने लगे तो अपने सपने को याद करो , अपनी उस ड्रीम कार को याद करो की आप अपनी कर का रूफ खोलकर ड्राइविंग करना चाहते हो , आपको फाइनेंस के लिए फ्रीडम चाहिए  और आप जो चाहो वो करो तो अपने उस सपने को याद करो जिसकी वजह से आप इस क्षेत्र में आये थे वादा करता हूँ की आप कभी भी डिमोटिवेट नहीं होंगे। 

3 - बुक्स और ब्लोग को पढ़े -

दोस्तों अगर आप किताब पढ़ने वाले हो या फिर घर में मोटिवेशन की पेंटिंग या अपने लक्ष्य का फ्रेम लगते हो तो आपको मोटिवेशनल किताब को पढ़ना चाहिए और ज्यादातर उन लोगों की किताबे पढ़ें जो आपके बिज़नेस लाइन में हो हमेसा मुस्कुराते रहे वो हलकी सी मुस्कान आपके चेहरे पर हमेशा रहनी चाहिए आज कल ऑनलाइन का टाइम है तो कोशिश करे मोटिवेशनल ब्लॉग को पढ़ें और इंस्पिरेशनल कहानी पढ़ें पब्लिक स्पीकर के वीडियोस को देखें कुछ मोटिवशनल पेज हैं उनको सब्स्क्राइब करें और रोज एक मोटिवेशनल कोट्स को अपनी डायरी में लिखें बहुत अच्छा तरीका होगा की आप रोज की सीखी हुई अच्छी बातों को लिखते जाये और देखें आपका मनोबल हमेशा सामने वालों से बढ़ा रहेगा मेरी इच्छा है की आप एक दो बुक महीने में या साल में जरूर पढ़े जिससे आपका ज्ञान भी बढ़ेगा डिमोटिवेट होने का टाइम नहीं मिलेगा खुद को हमेशा बिजी रखना कभी भी आपको डिमोटिवेट होने का टाइम नहीं मिलेगा। 
                                                 25 Motivational Memes & Quotes About Life For When You're Ready To Give Up | YourTango

4- अपने आस पास के लोगों से सीखें। 

अपने आस पास के लोगों को ऑब्ज़र्व करे उनके बारे में सोचें या उन लोगो से मित्रता करे जो हमेशा मुस्कुराते रहते है और उन्हें कभी भी अपने डिमोटिवेट ना देखा हो हालाँकि ऐसे लोग तो हो नहीं सकते लेकिन कुछ लोग ऐसे होते है जो समस्या होते हुए भी समस्या को जाहिर नहीं होने देते और अपने काम में ध्यान देते है आस पास के लोगो को उत्प्रेरित करते है उनको उत्साहित करते है और हाँ उन लोगो से हमेशा दूर रहिये जो हर बात पर ये कहते हो की यर ये नहीं हो सकता या ये नहीं कर पाएंगे या ये तुमसे नहीं होगा तुम्हारे बस में नहीं है ऐसे लोगो से तो एक किलोमीटर दूर ही रही ये तुम्हारे उत्साह को काम कर देंगे ये ऐसी बाते बताएँगे की आप हतोत्साहित हो जाओगे तो ध्यान से अपने आस पास नकारात्मकता फैलाने वालों से दूर रहिये अपने आस पास उन्हें भटकने ही मत दो तब तो ठीक है। संगत का असर जरूर पड़ता है। 
                                 Two things to remember in life: Take care of your thoughts when you're alone, and take care of your words when you're with people.

5 - योग के द्वारा -

दोस्तों इस महामारी के  लोगों को समझ आ गया शरीर फिट तो दिमाग फिट दिमाग फिट तो दिमाग हमेशा उत्साहित रहेगा जब दिमाग उत्साहित रहेगा तो जाहिर सी बात है हम लोग अपने आप ही मोटिवेटेड रहेंगे तो दोस्तों कम से कम दिन में आधा घंटे अपने आपको फिट रखने के लिए योग या व्यायाम करें खुला स्थान नहीं मिल रहा है तो कोई बात नहीं घर में ही कर लीजिये बस आपका मोटिव होना चाहिए की आप खुद को फिट रखना चाहते है मेरी माने तो दिन में काम से काम ५ मिनट ध्यान लगाए चाहे किसी का वो आपका लक्ष्य हो  कोई आपका सपना हो सकता है आपके ईस्ट या ईस्वर हो सकते है तो बस आप ध्यान लगये जो आपको हमेशा मोटीवेट रखेगा। 

                                             meditate | mediation for beginners | beginner meditation | meditation practice | learn how to meditate | spiritual community | easy meditation | spiritual blog | mindfulness | meditation program | mantra | guided meditation | spiritual awakening | spiritual energy | pure atma | zen | wellness | mental health | healing energy | emotional healing      

तो दोस्तों मैंने पढ़कर पाया की ये वो ५  जिसकी मदद से हम अपने आप को मोटीवेट रख सकते है आशा करता हूँ की ये ब्लॉग आपको समझ आया होगा और आपको अच्छा भी लगा होगा तो आज के लिए बस इतना ही मिलते हैं अगले दिन या अगले पोस्ट में आपका धन्यवाद। 

शुक्रवार, 7 अगस्त 2020

How to avoid distraction when you are online studying

Hi Friends Today I'm Vijay Kumar Prajapati here to talk about new topics  when people sit to online study Destruction us after an hour or two hours and do not mind reading Does and gets bored with the study. If someone watches a gaming video then when 1 hour is passed instead of 5 minutes, I do not know why the distortion happens, I will write it in the next blog but in this I will give you ways to avoid it. Will talk about 

 Five ways to avoid any kind of destructions while studying online 

1. Stay away from social media and gaming. 

Friends, if you do not like any kind of destructions during online study, then do not see any kind of message while studying from work, no matter how important it is, there is another way to avoid it like our mobile had a freeze option. If you put your social media application and game in it, then it will block the application from which your notifications will stop coming. If you cannot turn off your smart phone, then keep it in flight mode.                                                                                   

                                                    4 important lessons on social media intimacy from your local dry cleaner

2 - Select a fixed place of reading. 

Friends, if you want to study then nothing is impossible for you, no matter how much I tell you, but if you see it by doing this, then I am saying with a guarantee that there is definitely a change in you by thinking nothing happens. If friends want to study without destructions, then choose a quiet environment, such as on the roof of the house or in the garden or in one of the rooms, but if not in a lot of work, then one gets sleep. And keep in mind that if you do not feel like coming there then the distortion is very much.  


3 - Set a time and start online study at that time.  

Friends, we should set a time to sit for our reading so that we can get motivation. Now you will say that this is the case logic, I will tell you  our subconscious mind which is what we have the subconscious brain which is the   same thing. Doing the bar makes him believe it and motivates him to try it. The one who sends us the signal that it is now time, now do this, in that time our brain works by concentrating, especially in the morning time, I see my online classes around 4 am. By the way, what is the time of your people, everyone will send their own time table in the comment. 


4 - Avoid doing two things. 

Friends, there are some people that work more with study and make notes, then you will get to find online content but you  are watching the lecture right now, see the lecture, there is nothing stopping you from making notes. So, you should avoid doing two things or pay attention to subtitles, which should not be done, you should understand in your own language, now I do not know how you feel but I feel bad that I do not cut it in the middle bit Must see. Some people I have seen that some lectures are also boring way, see any content that you like. 

                                                       A new study has identified "high media multitaskers" - students who seem to perform better while multitasking          

5 - Stay Focused. 

Friends, you are warning that you are also working, whether it is studying or doing housework or working in a higher education institution, you should be focussed on your work and focus on what the front is doing. Do not let you know that no one will come to tell you what you are doing or will ask something if you do not answer it. So friends, if you want to study, then keep the focus and sit reading with all your heart and you will see the benefit of it and you will consider yourself somewhere. 

                                                                                                                                                                                               Stay focused on you...

If you like my post, then don't forget to write comments and subscribe, I will meet you in the next post, till then I wish you goodbye and have a nice day and tell me what you liked. And don't forget to share.

गुरुवार, 6 अगस्त 2020

how to choose your goal in 5 method

Hi friends, I'm Vijay Kumar Prajapati, your friend has brought his new blog on how to solve any problem and hope that you will like it too, so let's discus about today's topic. 

How to set your goal: -

Friends, it is very important to have a definite purpose in today's era, when we study in the beginning, then we do not know anything at that time and there is no tension while people are aware of their purpose from childhood. Should, but people remember after 10th that we have to set our own goals, but what to do, after getting seduced or looking at someone else, they choose the same, which makes it difficult for them to live their jobs again. 
                           We have made some models which you should study so that you will not have trouble in choosing your objective. 

1: - See your interest. 

You see what is your interest, if someone's interest would be a sport, then a goverment job or someone wants to make a business owner, people can go into whatever field they want to go, let us tell you about some subjects. 
1 - Medical sector 
2 - Engineering Sector 
3 - Finance Sector 
४  - Marketing Sector 
5 - Acting Sector 
६ - Journalism 
7 - Advocacy 
८ -  Civil Sector 
९ : Teaching 
10 - Designing 
It told me the interest that I felt, write them all on one page and then study them all and now see which sector you will find easy to make a career and then write one and stick it in the wall at such a place in your house The place you always look 

2 - Listen to your heart, listen to someone 

Friends, if you want to be successful in life, then do not take any closed things to heart, just do not give examples in the air, do not think what people will say, who can not make their career. 

३- किसी दूसरे की देखा देखि न करे

Friends, when we look different our jeans, how can we be like each other and then why should we look at each other and see, do not be a part of the flock of sheep when saffron has made you unique Make a long way and don't trust anyone, if you want to move forward, then the goal is also yours and you have to set it 

४ - अपने आस पास के वातावरण को ऑब्ज़र्व करे। 

If you want to be successful, then you have to observe the environment around you and see that people are having a bit of trouble and this can be done in this far way, the real life Iron Man of the century, Elon Musk also worked on it. is that running a middle class notwithstanding alone company Family who the people it  will do its Solution is the work on the analysis  form 

५ - खुद से सवाल करें 

Some people say that it is a bad habit to judge oneself, this gives me a lot of demotivation . From my point of view, we will not judge, so how will I explore myself, friends, question yourself that I am going on the right path to make my people work. Work from the two lines, add about yourself every day, then see that you will get positive results and you will be easy to set goals.

if दोस्त इस ब्लॉग में कोई भी गलती हो कुछ गलत क्षमा करना और अगर अच्छा तो भी लाइक करना और शेयर करना न भूलें आपका धन्यवाद आशा करता हु ब्लॉग आपको पसंद आया होगा।


Importance of happiness in life

  खुशी का महत्व: जीवन को सुखद बनाने के उपाय परिचय: खुशी एक ऐसा अहसास है जो हमारे जीवन को सुंदर बनाता है। यह एक ऐसी अनंत खोज है जिसे हम सभी च...