Hi Friends Today I'm Vijay Kumar Prajapati here to talk about new topics when people sit to online study Destruction us after an hour or two hours and do not mind reading Does and gets bored with the study. If someone watches a gaming video then when 1 hour is passed instead of 5 minutes, I do not know why the distortion happens, I will write it in the next blog but in this I will give you ways to avoid it. Will talk about
Five ways to avoid any kind of destructions while studying online
1. Stay away from social media and gaming.
Friends, if you do not like any kind of destructions during online study, then do not see any kind of message while studying from work, no matter how important it is, there is another way to avoid it like our mobile had a freeze option. If you put your social media application and game in it, then it will block the application from which your notifications will stop coming. If you cannot turn off your smart phone, then keep it in flight mode.
2 - Select a fixed place of reading.
Friends, if you want to study then nothing is impossible for you, no matter how much I tell you, but if you see it by doing this, then I am saying with a guarantee that there is definitely a change in you by thinking nothing happens. If friends want to study without destructions, then choose a quiet environment, such as on the roof of the house or in the garden or in one of the rooms, but if not in a lot of work, then one gets sleep. And keep in mind that if you do not feel like coming there then the distortion is very much.
3 - Set a time and start online study at that time.
Friends, we should set a time to sit for our reading so that we can get motivation. Now you will say that this is the case logic, I will tell you our subconscious mind which is what we have the subconscious brain which is the same thing. Doing the bar makes him believe it and motivates him to try it. The one who sends us the signal that it is now time, now do this, in that time our brain works by concentrating, especially in the morning time, I see my online classes around 4 am. By the way, what is the time of your people, everyone will send their own time table in the comment.

4 - Avoid doing two things.
Friends, there are some people that work more with study and make notes, then you will get to find online content but you are watching the lecture right now, see the lecture, there is nothing stopping you from making notes. So, you should avoid doing two things or pay attention to subtitles, which should not be done, you should understand in your own language, now I do not know how you feel but I feel bad that I do not cut it in the middle bit Must see. Some people I have seen that some lectures are also boring way, see any content that you like.
5 - Stay Focused.
Friends, you are warning that you are also working, whether it is studying or doing housework or working in a higher education institution, you should be focussed on your work and focus on what the front is doing. Do not let you know that no one will come to tell you what you are doing or will ask something if you do not answer it. So friends, if you want to study, then keep the focus and sit reading with all your heart and you will see the benefit of it and you will consider yourself somewhere.
If you like my post, then don't forget to write comments and subscribe, I will meet you in the next post, till then I wish you goodbye and have a nice day and tell me what you liked. And don't forget to share.
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