विसुअलाइजेसन के आसान तरीक:-

1 - फोकस करके :-

2 - ध्यान लगाना
3 - REALISATION के द्वारा :-

4 - वैदिक मन्त्रों का उच्चारण करते हुए :-

5 - अफर्मेशन के द्वारा:-

You will find some easy tips to improve your personality and interpersonal skills
hi friends today i'm here to discuss about our confidence because of lack of confidence our youngsters are more affected they have more knowledge but they have not find any place in corporate field and they remain still unemployed even I'm also among those peoples who lost their job in covid19 crises so I've learnt more about confidence and I've wasted my time to researching and then find some things that helps me so I'm gonna share with you :-
नमस्कार मित्रों मेरा इस टॉपिक का मोटिव है की लोग ज्यादातर, यहाँ तक मैं खुद ही लगभग ५ महीने से घर पर बैठे बैठे बोर हो रहा हु तो मैंने सोचा कुछ डिसकस कर लू आप लोगों के साथ क्युकी आज का जो टॉपिक है वो हर आदमी के जीवन में बहुत जरूरी होता है। यह टॉपिक एक खुशहाल जीवन के लिए भी जरुरी है यहाँ तक की अगर आपका लक्ष्य लम्बे समय का है तो और भी जरूरी हो जाता है तो आज के टॉपिक बारे में कुछ बातें कर लेते है तो आइये आज को जो टॉपिक है वो है मोटिवेशन पर
Hi Friends Today I'm Vijay Kumar Prajapati here to talk about new topics when people sit to online study Destruction us after an hour or two hours and do not mind reading Does and gets bored with the study. If someone watches a gaming video then when 1 hour is passed instead of 5 minutes, I do not know why the distortion happens, I will write it in the next blog but in this I will give you ways to avoid it. Will talk about
Friends, we should set a time to sit for our reading so that we can get motivation. Now you will say that this is the case logic, I will tell you our subconscious mind which is what we have the subconscious brain which is the same thing. Doing the bar makes him believe it and motivates him to try it. The one who sends us the signal that it is now time, now do this, in that time our brain works by concentrating, especially in the morning time, I see my online classes around 4 am. By the way, what is the time of your people, everyone will send their own time table in the comment.
Friends, when we look different our jeans, how can we be like each other and then why should we look at each other and see, do not be a part of the flock of sheep when saffron has made you unique Make a long way and don't trust anyone, if you want to move forward, then the goal is also yours and you have to set it
खुशी का महत्व: जीवन को सुखद बनाने के उपाय परिचय: खुशी एक ऐसा अहसास है जो हमारे जीवन को सुंदर बनाता है। यह एक ऐसी अनंत खोज है जिसे हम सभी च...